What ethical dilemmas do scholars and practitioners of deliberative democracy face? How can we uphold standards of integrity when convening deliberative processes?

Ethical integrity is vital to the practice of democracy, but discussions on what it takes to uphold the highest standards of integrity when convening deliberative processes have yet to take place.
This project will develop the concept of deliberative integrity through grounded empirical research with academics and practitioners, advocates, and critics of deliberative democracy.
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What we're reading
There is a growing literature covering topics of integrity and ethics in deliberative processes and public participation. Here’s what we’ve read so far. Help us build our reading list by sending suggestions to the project team.
See reading list
Collaborate with us
We are keen to collaborate with those inside and outside the deliberative democracy community who are interested in promoting deliberative integrity in Australia and around the world.
CollaborateThe Team
The Deliberative Integrity Project is based at the Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance at the University of Canberra.

This research is funded by the Australian Research Council’s Special Research Initiative (SR200200739) and the Faculty of Business, Government & Law at the University of Canberra.
Get in touch
Prof Nicole Curato
Project Leader
Centre for Deliberative Democracy & Global Governance
11 Kirinari Street, University of Canberra, ACT 2617